
How To Flip Houses The Right Way

All of us can dream but only a select few will take the steps forward to educate themselves in their specific field of interest. I have always had an intense fire towards understanding how the housing market functioned and yearning to learn how many found success in creating a lucrative income while loving their daily life. I had searched for years, attending school after school and evening class after class. I finally decided I was leaving my career of 18 years to chase my dream and so the search began… I wanted something/someone that would hold my hand at times and kick me in gear at others. I finally found what I thought I never thought I would… right here in Arizona. I want to learn how to flip houses.

The Matrix Investor Network in Phoenix, Arizona is making a name for itself by specifically educating people in the finer points of Phoenix real estate investing and graduating class after class of successful house flipping Phoenix investors. The Matrix follows up with their graduates providing intensive and ongoing mentoring and support.

The Matrix Investor Network Real Estate Investing Training Program consists of a curriculum designed to empower Phoenix house flipper graduates with the fundamental skills they need to take control of their financial destiny and be successful. The program is ongoing and includes an initial orientation, Phoenix house flipping overviews, professional development, technical training and networking events coupled with ongoing mentoring from a Phoenix real estate investor professional actually executing deals in the valley. These Phoenix house flipping experts, that new Matrix members will be assigned to, are living proof of the veracity and success of the Matrix Phoenix house flipping business plan.

Forget about the out-of-town Gurus with their Phoenix house flipping seminars.

How can the out-of-town Gurus provide valuable Phoenix fix and flip tips and mentoring if they are not executing deals in the local market?

Forget about the house flipping shows and house flipping software, how can that be more valuable than one-on-one mentoring from your own Phoenix real estate investment guide?

If you are interested in learning how you can begin taking the steps towards your dream in Real Estate… please send me an email. I would love to be your guide towards creating your life of value.
